About us

As we introduced ourselves in the short introduction we are 👱‍♀️ Mădă, 🧔 Seby, 🐶 Cico and 🐶 Bella, the four caravan adventurers, the kind of travelers, as we like to say, with our luggage at the door or in another order. ideas with more clothes in the caravan than in the dressing room 😊

Before discovering the caravan journeys, only four-legged people reacted to the LET'S GO phrase 🐶🐶 but for some years, whenever it is said around us, the first reaction is to ask, WHERE? looking for the camper keys and activating ourselves for a new adventure.

The desire to inspire you

We built this travel guide out of the desire to show you and inspire you to travel differently, free and unfettered, but also why not, to become your guide that we did not have.

About the CicoBella blog

More and more often we meet the expression "life is a journey" ... nothing is more true, that's why we created cicobella.ro a useful guide for your future trips on four wheels in which the freedom to explore is unrestricted!

Whether you choose caravan or motorhome, we want our blog to share with you our experience and continuously to bring you the most useful information to help you in planning your future adventures with locations of camping and off-camping, sightseeing or places you should not miss (street art, restaurants & fast food, markets, amusement parks, museums, etc.)

In order to help you even more, we have created an interactive map with the places we visited but also camping locations with directions and details that we will constantly update. See CampMAP here

We also know that THE BEST for us does not always mean the same to you, but we strongly believe, tested on our own experience, that any information is welcome and can always bring you a big plus in travel.

Cico 🐶 and Bella 🐶 are our Beagle-eared souls who accompany us on any trip and those who will take care of the Logbook section with mommy 👱‍♀️ Mădă. There,all our amazing stories about adventures, funny moments or unwanted events from which you too can learn and can discover wonderful places, stuffs or beautiful things

Daddy 🧔 Seby in collaboration with our partners and friends, will look for and come up with many useful tips and locations on the CampMap, videos and presentations of hosts in our Vlog or posts about new things from our caravan world

If I convinced you, don't forget to subscribe to be up to date with the latest news!

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