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Spring break extended by 3 weeks 😍 ... where do we go, where do we camp, who is open ???
25 Mar 2021

Spring break extended by 3 weeks 😍 ... where do we go, where do we camp, who is open ???

Spring break extended by 3 weeks 😍 ... where do we go, where do we camp, who has it open ???

CampMap, from caravans to caravans, probably the most complete platform / map developed in Romania, containing camping, hosts, off-camping locations, parking lots or RV representations!

Boooommmmm The Minister of Education announces the change of the structure of the current school year, in pre-university education. The spring break will be extended by 3 weeks, between April 2 and May 4. Well, just perfect to plan a new outing with the cottages on wheels… but… where ???… who has it open ???… does anyone know ???…

Yes we know… CampMap powered by CicoBella.ro in partnership with BookYourCamper.com, if you are not familiar with using our application and you have not yet discovered the advantage of using it and the CampMap map with on / off camping locations (available for Android and in short time and in the App Store) and how it can help you save a lot of time without hassle, we bring you the ideal table-planning with, campsites or active hosts some even discount partners in our campaign to retain members of sticker


Speaking of hassles, since the launch of the platform, we have always worked every day and we will continue to work, turning our attention to your suggestions in conjunction with our experience and knowing very well the shortcomings of so many such applications or simple maps available on- line, we came up with news, improvements and additions, all to talk now about the simple perfect… “all the useful information for the caravan, in one place”.

This is how we got the location info boxes on our map to contain everything there, "green" on white the most necessary information from active contact data with a single click, icons with services or attractions, all at one place, with Maps or Waze navigation implemented directly, but especially with filters… and these filters help us to search on the map the locations open in a certain period of the year, a location that has certain services that we want, maybe we want to know what is the access to each location or what to expect there as activities, or rates… even the weather for the next period we considered it a plus of information welcome… simple and handy… from caravans to caravans !

filtre cautare

But no more talking, we recommend you to download and use the application, but we hope that the idea of ​​presenting the table below will be useful to you, we are happy once again if we could help!



















Camping Eldorado - CampingDN 1 km 496+600, Gilau, Romania, 40731015 April - 15 OctomberPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
2Camping ColinaDrumul Sfântul Ioan FN, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 4000001 May - 31 OctomberPARTENER DISCOUNT 20%
3Camping La DanutStr. Principala, Comuna Gârda de Sus, Romania, 5173101 April - 31 Octomber 
4Camping Cheile Turzii DJ103G, Cheia, Romania, 407406PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
5Camping La Foisor Str. Răsăritului nr.2, Turda, Romania, 401189PERMANENT 
6Camping De oude walnootStr. Delnitei 15N, Mihai Viteazu, Romania, 530751 May- 31 Octomber 
7Camping Doua LumiStr. Tudor Vladimirescu 87-89, Blăjel, Romania, 557050PERMANENT 
8Camping Dara'sSat Prod, comuna Hoghilag, Romania, 557101PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 15%
9Camping AquariesStrada Nicolae Titulescu 2, Sighișoara, Romania, 545400PERMANENT 
10Camping ForestDJ125A, Gheorghieni, Romania, 5355001 April - 31 Octomber 
11Camping MustangCâmpu Cetăţii Nr.16/A, Câmpu Cetăţii, Romania, 5472121 April - 31 Octomber 
12Camping Sovata - Stana de ValeStrada Stâna de Vale, Sovata, Romania, 545500PERMANENT 
13Camping Perla LaculuiStrada Lacului 9, Sovata, Romania, 545500PERMANENT 
14Camping Sancel138B, Zetea, Romania, 537364PERMANENT 
15Camping ZetavarZeteváralja 200/B, Sub Cetate, Romania, 537364PERMANENT 
16Camping The ValleyOzunca Bai 44C, Ozunca Bai, Romania, 96921 May- 30 September 
17Camping Cheile RasnoaveiExtravilan Cheia, Rasnov, Romania, 5054001 April - 30 September 
18Camping La GigiStrada Glăjărie Râul Mare, Râșnov, Romania, 505400PERMANENT 
19Camping VampireStr. Cavaler Ioan de Puscariu, 68, Bran, Romania, 5070251 April - 31 Octomber 
20Camping Alpin RanchStrada Pinului, Nr. 13, Zărnești, Romania, 505800PERMANENT 
21Camping La JBStrada Tămaş, Plaiul Foii, Romania, 505800PERMANENT 
22Camping Oliver Iazul din VamaIntrarea principala, Vama Buzaului, Romania, 507245PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 15%
23Camping Dragusunnamed road, Dragus, Romania, 86415PERMANENT 
24Camping Pastravaria AlbotaDC47 nr 505, Arpasu de Sus, Romania, 557016PERMANENT 
25Camping De Oude Wilg "Salcia Batrana" str. Prund 40, Carta, Romania, 5570701 April - 31 Octomber 
26Camping AnanasStr Pinului, Cisnadioara, Romania, 5553011 May - 31 Octomber 
27Camping NomadȘoseaua Alba Iulia 76, Sibiu, Romania, 550052PERMANENT 
28Camping SalisteancaStr.Baii nr.13, Saliste, Romania, 557225PERMANENT 
29Camping Poarta OilorStr. M. Eminescu 57, Gârbova, Romania, 5173051 May - 31 Octomber 
30Camping Aurel Vlaicu Principala 155, Aurel Vlaicu, Romania, 335401PERMANENT 
31Camping Mira687A, Teliucu Inferior, Romania, 337465PERMANENT 
32Camping LedoStrada Lacului 62, Cinciș-Cerna, Romania, 3374661 May - 31 August 
33Camping Merisor Banitanr 92, Strada Principală, Merisor, Romania, 337067PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
34Camping Kentaur SRLAtea 100, Dorolt, Romania, 447131PERMANENT 
35Camping CareiStrada Viilor 4, Carei, Romania, 4451001 May - 30 September 


Camping PoieniStr. Principala nr. 638, Săpânța, Romania, 437305PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
37Camping NorocStr. Crinului nr 11A, Sacalaseni, Romania, 4372801 April - 31 OctomberPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
38Camping Green PlaceStrada Între Lacuri, Ocna Șugatag, Romania, 437205PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 20%
39Dacii Liberi Camping Resort & SpaStrada Principală 803, Petrova, Romania, 437210PERMANENT 
40Camping LauraStr.Independentei nr.139, Baile Borsa, Romania, 4352501 March - 30 November 
41Camping Borsa - TurismStr. Pietroasei 9, Borsa, Romania, 435200PERMANENT 


Camping Dorna ECOJuncani 1039, Dorna Candrenilor, Romania, 727190PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
43Camping Vladimir Strada Oita 223, Ciocanesti, Romania, 7271201 April - 30 September 
44Camping De VuurplaatsStrada Principale 130, Fundu Moldovei, Romania, 72726451 April - 30 September 
45Camping CristalStr Calea Movilestilor, Nr. 162, Com Sucevita, Romania, 727510PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%


Caravans Camping CostişaConacului st. 36, COSTISA (MANOAIA), Romania, 617143PERMANENT 
47Camping La GradinaStrada Prundului Nr. 1A, Comanesti, Romania, 605200PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
48CamperlandCalea Trotusului, nr. 272, Dărmăneşti, Romania, 605300PERMANENT 


Camping Delta CampStrada Gradinarilor 9, Tulcea, Romania, 8200021 May - 30 SeptemberPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
50Camping SalciaStr. Agricultorilor, Murighiol, Romania, 827150PERMANENT 
51Camping Lac MurighiolStr Mahmudiei nr 10, Murighiol, Romania, 827153PERMANENT 
52Camping Dan PescarulStr Mahmudiei nr 17, Murighiol, Romania, 827125PERMANENT 
53Camping DeltaStrada Soarelui, Murighiol, Romania, 8271501 April - 31 Octomber 
54Camping Green DophinGreen Village, Sf Gheorghe, Romania, 8271951 April - 31 Octomber 
55Camping Malul MariiMalul Marii, Corbu, Romania, 9070851 April - 30 September 
56Camping DMAleea Victoriei, Navodari-Mamaia Sat, Romania, 9057001 April - 31 OctomberPARTENER DISCOUNT 6+1 NOPTI
57Camping SBd-ul. Mamaia Nord nr.79, Constanta, Romania, 9000831 May - 30 September 
58Camping Holiday GPMBulevardul Mamaia, Mamaia-Sat, Romania, 9000011 April - 30 September 
59Camping CosmosHenri Coandă 40, Costinesti, Romania, 9070901 May - 31 Octomber 
60Camping PalaceStatiunea Venus, Venus, Romania, 9055041 May - 31 Octomber 
61Camping 2 MaiStr.Falezei nr.2, Plaja 2 Mai, Romania, 9071611 April- 31 Octomber 
62Camping Marina ParkStr. Nichita Stanescu 10, Vama Veche, Romania, 9071631 May - 30 September 
63Camping Route 66Mihail Kogălniceanu nr 42, Vama Veche, Romania, 9071631 May - 31 Octomber 


Camping DonarisDN 21 Vizirului Km7, Braila, Romania, 25994PERMANENT 
65Camping AviatorBlvd. Independentei 64, Busteni, Romania, 105500PERMANENT 
66Camping Perla Strada Tudor Vladimerescu DN2C, Amara, Romania, 9270201 April- 30 September 
67Camping La ArtarStrada Colentina, comuna Călugăreni, Romania, 137128PERMANENT 
68Camping Casa AlbaAleea Privighetorilor 31-35, Bucurest, Romania, nullPERMANENT 
69Camping BelvedereStrada Carierei 58, Clinceni, Romania, 077060PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%


Camping CamelotCalea lui Traian nr 770, Calimanesti, Romania, 245600PERMANENT 
71Camping GimiDC164, Bujoreni Bogdanesti, Romania, 207465PERMANENT 


Camping Mala Clisura Dunarii Unnamed Road, Eselnita, Romania, 227195PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
73Motel Camping Silviasat Sadova Veche nr157, Sat Sadova Veche, RomaniaPERMANENT 
74Camping International TimisoaraAleea Padurea Verde 6, Timisoara, Romania, 3003101 May - 30 September 
75Camping Baile LipovaStrada Lugojului 44, Lipova, Romania, 3154001 April- 31 Octomber 
76Camping Route Roemenie Strada Principala 298, Minis, Romania, 3171371 April - 31 Octomber 


Camping Turul BeiusNumarul 8, 417410, Romania, RemeteaPERMANENT 
78Camping Intre RauriDC219, Lazuri, Romania, 447170PERMANENT 
79Camping HakunamatataGubediu 76, Gubediu, Romania, 417598PERMANENT 
80Camping PopBăile 1 Mai 71, Haieu, Romania, 79778PERMANENT 
81Camping Robinson Country OradeaMarin preda nr 17, Oradea, Romania, 410108PERMANENTPARTENER DISCOUNT 10%
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